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Gourd Surprise!

This season has been full of surprises. From families of groundhogs to more serendipitous things, like these beautiful gourds that popped up in the gardens out of nowhere. I think it’s safe to say that nature is teaching me to be more flexible, something that doesn’t come naturally to me. (What can I say? I’m a Capricorn. We have a tendency to be a bit rigid.)

They've taken over my little hummingbird garden next to the deck.

They’ve taken over my little hummingbird garden next to the deck.

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As these voluptuous vines are taking over, they are producing a lot. They seem to be attracting quite a few bees, as well, which is something our area has been struggling with this year. Our neighbor, a beekeeper, has complained that the bees have been infected with diseases and our local farm down the street shared in their newsletter that they had to purchase bumble bees to help with pollination. Whoa! Beepocalypse reality check.

Here they are filling in the gaps of the veggie garden...

Here they are filling in the gaps of the veggie garden…

So, although, these squash plants are not where I had planned — I was actually going to forego planting them altogether this year, because of the challenges I had with them last year — I will let them do their thing. Add a little baking soda & water to help to protect them from powdery mildew and then just go with the flow.

Grow with the flow.

Grow with the flow.

What surprises have delighted YOU in the garden this year? Please, do tell!!